the Homeschool brings praise
and honor
to the King of Kings.
And who is to say we cannot do all things for His glory?
He just may get a kick out of jumping rope!
Can't wait to get to Heaven and figure out how to
And for less movement of the physical,
but much of the mental...
Warrior and Student have fallen for the battle of checkers.
The good sports that they are,
makes it all the easier for the afternoon to pass
as Teacher works on other things.
And when Mascot finds himself ready for nap,
a cuddly book reading is in store.
There's no substitute for a wee one on campus.
This Mascot is growing, indeed...
growing each of us into more patient
and loving souls along the way!
Thank you, Father above, for Your
blessings of people, presence
and property. Amen.