Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Life Skills 101

We have all heard Teacher's memory of a schoolmate
whom never was taught to operate a washing machine...
and so there is no hope of Student and Toddler getting caught up in the same helpless estate!

Together, in upmost cooperation, the 2 loaded the washing machine
and pushed buttons, and viola: out popped clean clothes! Teacher is so proud, and awarded extra Spiderman stickers for this completion!

The Homeschool was blessed, by our beloved sister Sherri, a cross with Jabez' prayer on it. And today we set out to ask God to increase our Homeschool territory: increase our opportunity to affect others for His purpose. In doing so, Student bagged up homemade goodies for the mail carrier and wrote Godblesss You in the print card. Telling him Merry Christmas, she planted a seed.

In Science, Electricity has brought new vocab words:
alligator clips

Student: You take 2 alligator clips and hook it to something metal and you have a complete circuit. But, if you use, like, plastic, or wood, then it isn't a full circle. I like to make the circuits!

History also brought 2 new vocab words:
Student was in Royal Dreamland when we read of the fanciful and Slendiferous decor in the temple Solomon built!

Seatwork completed in Phonics, Language and Math. Mascot was sitting right beside Student encouraging her, as she really needed it today. The day after a seatwork-free day is always the hardest!

Violin focus today was on Student's 2 performances this weekend. She is truly getting the new kisses she has been instructed to practice. Only Mrs. S would know such mumbo, but it works!

Art came in the form of Student's latest local bookstore find:

Can't wait to see what boy Art will occur in the future of Homeschool!
