Alive, it's true.
So much to be thankful for.
The Homeschool began with Art
cooperative of a get well card for
Papa Randy and a thank you for
Miss Charlotte.
foam paper with sticky back + 2 children whom
can write legibly = fold-out card!
And some pirate earrings, of course!
Getting his share of the fun,
Mascot tries out the glue stick.
Continuing in Art, President's Day celebration takes over...
Sporting them during Computer, both Student and Warrior thought it was
a cool fashion accessory.
As for Mascot, he has really been spending time alone designing, connecting,
and running the campus down with trains.
And Student wasn't about to stop her run-on with Art,
as she stitched some on her owl project,
and used the beads from Miss Beki
to create a ribbon necklace.
Warrior finished up his Reading with some Army Math.
Somebody stop the fun, already!
What a blessing to learn at the Homeschool.